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Programa de Pós-Graduação Interdisciplinar em Cognição, Tecnologias e Instituições - PPGCTI (Mestrado)

The Postgraduate Program in Cognition, Technologies and Institutions is characterized as a space for research, in which exchanges and production of experiences are proposed in the realization of studies that contribute to the understanding and constitution of modes of intervention in the characteristic problems of the subjects and social organizations that experience cognitive, institutional and technical processes as dimensions that interact in the society in which we live. It aims to produce innovative knowledge about contemporary modes of cognition, structures and strategies in organizations and technologies to enhance the experience of individuals and improvements in the making of social institutions and organizations.

The program integrates researchers from the fields of applied human, social and social sciences, such as: Sociology, Psychology, Philosophy, Education, Administration, Social Work; the Interdisciplinary field, such as Informatics in Education; Computer Science; Engineering and Public Health.


Important moments of the program – Master’s Dissertation Boards / 2020 – Click Here

and Dissertation Project Qualification Boards / 2020 – Click Here

PPGCTI Newsletter – Highlights – Click Here

Know more:


Graduate Program in Cognition, Technologies and Institutions

Dean’s Office for Research and Graduate Studies – room 06. Av. Francisco Mota, 572 – Bairro Costa e Silva – Campus Mossoró – CEP: 59.625-900 Mossoró – RN.


Phones: (84) 3317-8313. Extension: 1186


6 de janeiro de 2022. Visualizações: 960. Última modificação: 06/01/2022 20:45:44