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Programa de Pós-Graduação Interdisciplinar em Cognição, Tecnologias e Instituições - PPGCTI (Mestrado)

Recomposition of the Teaching Staff – Accreditation in 2022 – under construction

Development and Integration of Technologies in Society

The research line “Development and integration of technologies in society” aims at the development, application and improvement of materials (techniques, methods, diverse technologies and computer systems) for the development and enhancement of cognitive and subjective processes in the experience of the subjects and of social institutions. Technologies are thought of as composed of objects, artifacts, methodologies that contain human operativities and are social products that carry with them the potential and qualities of culture. Research can include various technical artifacts, as well as social technologies, light technologies, computer technologies. The researches are dedicated to the planning, use and empirical assessment (qualitative and / or quantitative) of technologies that may involve different devices, such as the production of collections in multiple media, online and in-person environments and management processes for organizations. The line proposes the development of technologies to enhance human relationships in organizations, artifacts to complex social interactions and provoke questions about the new forms of common life that are produced in this coupling Cognition, Technologies and Institutions, considering a theoretical, methodological perspective , ethics and politics. The ethical dimension runs through the line of research, involving reflections on knowledge and its relationship with institutions and collectives. Given the nature of the program and, in particular, the nature of the complexity of the processes that integrate the human, ethical, technical and institutional dimensions, the line is structured based on an interdisciplinary approach, welcoming qualitative and / or quantitative research in which the development and integration of technologies interact with the needs of individuals, communities, institutions and social organizations.



Alan Martins de Oliveira

Breno Barros Telles do Carmo

Deise Juliana Francisco

Francisco Milton Mendes Neto

Francisco Souto de Sousa Júnior


Bruno de Sousa Monteiro


Human, Social and Technical Experiences

The Research Line “Human, social and technical experiences” is part of the plan of cognition, subjectivity, the changes that technologies promote in institutions and human experience, methodologies and organizational processes in society. It focuses on ways of configuring social structures and organizations, modulations of cognition in the experience of subjects in social institutions and organizations, work relationships and the effects of technologies on the experience of subjects and collectives. The research is organized in an interdisciplinary perspective and considers socio-cultural production as human, inventive, endowed with meaning, supported by projects and perspectives on cognition, technologies and institutions. It predominantly contributes to the understanding of the experience in the context of a new cognition that is announced with the technologies and the possibilities of institution of ways of being, doing and feeling in organizations. This line of research brings together works that examine the relationship between human, social and technical experiences, covering a plurality of approaches and objects of research. By distinguishing two dimensions of experience (life experience and ontological or pre-reflected experience), the line is committed to human, social and technical processes involved in different contexts in which we build ways to explain and produce the world in which we live. The line supports a strong interdisciplinary vocation, privileging the dialogue between the human and social sciences with the sciences that are in charge of technical invention. The research involves qualitative procedural methodologies, such as: intervention research, focus groups, photographic interventions, video graphic interventions, discursive analyzes, among others, at the same time that it favors the development of quantitative analyzes that contribute to the understanding of topics relevant to the area of scope of the course that is organized in an interdisciplinary perspective.


Cláudia Rodrigues de Freitas

Gerciane Maria da Costa Oliveira

João Mário Pessoa Júnior

Karla Rosane do Amaral Demoly

Kyara Maria de Almeida Vieira


Rémerson Russel Martins

6 de janeiro de 2022. Visualizações: 1003. Última modificação: 06/01/2022 20:56:29