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Programa de Pós-Graduação Interdisciplinar em Cognição, Tecnologias e Instituições - PPGCTI (Mestrado)


The Graduate Program in Cognition, Technologies and Institutions at UFERSA is defined as a stricto-sensu training modality and is organized as an Interdisciplinary program, with the aim of fostering, analyzing and disseminating interdisciplinary knowledge about human experience and configuration modes of social reality, considering contemporary cognition in close articulation with the production of technologies and ways of organizing society.

Specific objectives of the PPGCTI are:

  • develop research that contributes to the understanding of the characteristic problems of human, social and technical experiences;
  • to train researchers to contribute to the improvement of services involving cognitive, technological and institutional processes;
  • potentiate interdisciplinary research in the field of Human and Social Sciences that interacts with the cognitive dimension, technical and organizational culture from the perspective of scientific, social, cultural, economic, educational, technological and innovation development;
  • build computational tools, methodologies, cognitive technologies (soft technologies and social technologies) to support activities in organizations and favor processes of social inclusion;
  • widely disseminate knowledge and reflections resulting from research conducted by the Program, so that scientific production can subsidize social policies and actions of researchers and professionals at the local, regional, national and / or international levels;
  • consolidate and further develop the university’s research structure, deepening and expanding the productions of its groups.
6 de janeiro de 2022. Visualizações: 856. Última modificação: 06/01/2022 20:47:58