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Programa de Pós-Graduação Interdisciplinar em Cognição, Tecnologias e Instituições - PPGCTI (Mestrado)

The Postgraduate Program in Cognition, Technologies and Institutions (PPGCTI), enrolled in the Interdisciplinary Area, Chamber II Social and Humanities, has an Academic Master Course in person and is linked to the Center for Applied and Human Social Sciences (CCSAH) of the Universidade Federal do Semi-Árido (UFERSA). Since its beginning in 2016, the PPGCTI / UFERSA has consolidated itself in the stricto sensu postgraduate scenario as an important catalyst for successful experiences in the field of teaching, research, technology development and social intervention. It is essential to emphasize that, in these first years of implementation of the program’s work in the Master’s Course, the collective of teachers, students and administrative technicians is dedicated to a collaborative and inter / transdisciplinary approach. The focus of ongoing research at PPGCTI is the production of innovative knowledge about contemporary modes of cognition, structures and strategies in organizations and technologies to improve the lives of individuals and collectives in social institutions and organizations.

Professor Antônio Carlos dos Santos with teachers and master’s students

Vice Area Coordinator at CAPES / August 2016

Art and Science – The connection between Knowing and Living

First Class – 2016 – after conversation with Prof. Antônio Carlos dos Santos on the commitment of research in the Interdisciplinary area – Social and Humanities. 

6 de janeiro de 2022. Visualizações: 911. Última modificação: 06/01/2022 20:31:03