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Programa de Pós-Graduação Interdisciplinar em Cognição, Tecnologias e Instituições - PPGCTI (Mestrado)

The area of ​​concentration “Cognition, Technologies and Institutions” is dedicated to studies on contemporary cognition in close articulation with technologies and human experience in social organizations. It encourages the construction of knowledge with a view to understanding and constituting modes of intervention in problems related to subjects, institutions and social organizations. In this sense, the area is dedicated both to thinking about the phenomena that are organized in this set of subjects, technologies and institutions, as well as to seeking action strategies that, by problematizing the current forms of social and technological organization, enhance collective processes, new organizational cultures and ways of coexistence and production in society. The axes of cognition, technologies and institutions interact in a new understanding of how the experience arising from the recursion that technologies bring, favoring cognitive and subjective changes, transformations in collectives and in the productive world of organizations.

Technologies are thought in the context of human and institutional processes, therefore, the area will be dedicated to describing and problematizing the effects and products of such mechanisms in the subjects’ experience, in the creation of common spaces and in the way of management of organizations. To achieve this goal, the mandatory subjects in the concentration area and a set of optional subjects will be developed by professors from the two lines of research who will bring to the discussions the specific knowledge of their academic field, with an openness to incorporate into the reflection’s possibilities of interventions and understandings about the human, social and technical experiences that configure ways of coexistence and production in society.

6 de janeiro de 2022. Visualizações: 706. Última modificação: 06/01/2022 20:48:45