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Programa de Pós-Graduação Interdisciplinar em Cognição, Tecnologias e Instituições - PPGCTI (Mestrado)

Program Calendars



Calendar Period 2022.1
The UFERSA’s Pro-Rectory of Research and Graduate Studies makes public the Graduate Studies academic calendar for 2021.2 – Calendar-2022_1


Calendar Period 2021.1

The Pro-Rectory for Research and Graduate Studies at UFERSA makes public the 2021.1 Graduate School calendar, approved at the 3rd Extraordinary 2020 Meeting of CONSEPE, on December 16, 2020. » Calendar 2021.1-PROPPG


Previous Years


2020.2 calendar

The Dean of Research and Graduate Studies at UFERSA makes public the 2020 Graduate academic calendar – remote classes




      Disciplines 2020.2


Postgraduate Calendar 2019.1 and 2019.2 UFERSA’s Dean of Research and Graduate Studies makes public the 2019.1 and 2019.2 Graduate School calendar, approved by the Teaching, Research and Extension Council – CONSEPE, at its 11th Meeting Ordinary Meeting of 2018, as contained in Decision CONSEPE / UFERSA No. 092/2018, of November 23, 2018. Access here


Collegiate Meetings Calendar


The Collegiate of the Graduate Program in Cognition, Technologies and Institutions, since its beginning in August 2016, holds regular regular meetings every month of its existence and, in case of important issues, it is called an extraordinary meeting, of to pay attention to the program’s set of actions. The days and times of the meetings are defined in agreement with the participants, teachers, student representative and PPGCTI secretary so that we have a history of wide participation in the reflections of the program.


PPGCTI meetings, in the culture and work path, are open to participation in order to enrich the analysis in face of the challenges of strengthening postgraduate studies in our Master’s course, in progress.


Meeting Schedules


year 2020 – Link

year 2021 (under construction)

6 de janeiro de 2022. Visualizações: 965. Última modificação: 07/01/2022 13:30:18